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    2019-03-05 11:10:25   来源:云南自考网    点击:   
    自考在线学习 +问答

      11. -----his insistence, I would have given it up long ago.
      A. Despite B. But for C. Except D. With
      12. The fact----he works hard does not necessarily mean that he can be a competent leader.
      A. which B. what C. why D. that
      13. It is vital that enough money----- to fund the project.
      A. be collected B. must be collected C. is collected D. was collected
      14. In my opinion, hard work is the most important factor that-----to one’s success.
      A. results B. affects C. contributes D. interferes
      15. In the past few years, the award was given to male writers. But this year the ---went to a woman writer.
      A. publicity B. distinction C. fame D. celebrity
      16. Betty’s remarks----the General in his belief that she was telling the truth.
      A. affirmed B. informed C. reformed D. confirmed
      17. I hope you will come------a better solution tomorrow.
      A. up with B. down with C. into D. around
      18. Around noon it---on him that he had never had breakfast.
      A. occurred B. fell C. dawned D. came
      19. When he returned to the city ten years later, he found that it had changed-------.
      A.. beyond measure B. without imagination C. out of reach D. in sight
      20. Do you think there is a period in one’s life when one is particularly----sickness, accident or disasters of other kinds?
      A. sensitive to B. available for C. vulnerable to D. ready for
      21. In a foreign country, if you want to make friends, you have to-----the language barriers first.
      A. keep off B. turn for C. break down D. come upon
      22. If this proposed sanction should be really brought into action, some problems are sure to------.
      A. arise B. rise C. arouse D. raise
      23. True friends do not abandon each other------of danger.
      A. at all times B. at one time C. in no time D. in times
      24. If this is the case, how is he-----in blaming her?
      A. qualified B. justified C. capable D. competent
      25. Drivers are-----to a speed of 80 kilometers in the highway.
      A. restrained B. refrained C. restricted D. refined











