1.B 解析:文中提到狗在14岁去世了,题目为14岁成为家庭成员member ... at 14,选择False
2.A 解析:文中提到女主和丈夫花费整个假期和狗狗在一起,题目为享受快乐时光 enjoyedtime with dogs,选择True
3.C 解析:文中提到狗狗在 14岁去世了,题目为死于意外 died in an accident,属于未涉及,选择not mention
4.B 解析:文中提到教授认为人们失去狗狗的失落感是很常见且合理的,题目为 notunderstand ..grief over the loss of dogs,选择False.
5.A 解析:文中提到教授认为有人会把这种情感称为爱情,狗和人相处时会提升爱情荷尔蒙水平,题目为狗和人的联系可以与爱情相比 bond between human and dogs can be:comparedto love,选择 True
6.A 解析:文中提到狗和人相处时会两者的爱情荷尔蒙水平都会提高,说明狗本身就有爱情荷尔蒙,题目为狗有爱情荷尔蒙 Dogs have the hormone associate with love,选择 True
7.C 解析:文中提到狗和人相处时荷尔蒙水平提升,但狼和狗会有区别,题目为知道为什么会产生区别 knows why wolves are different from dogs,属于未涉及,选择 not mention
8.A 解析:文中提到狗是被人类创造出来的动物,从 14000年前开始,题目为人类在 14000年之前训练狗 train dogs 14,000 years ago,选择 True
9.B 解析:文中提到狗理解人的沟通语言,当你指向远方狗会看向你所指的地方,狼只会看你的手,题目会狼也理解人的沟通语言 wolfunderstand human communication,选择 False。10.B 解析:文中提到女主认为狗比人更可爱,题目为人比狗更可爱 finds human morelovable than dogs,选择False
11.D解析:文中提到非营利组织是在放学后开展活动,因此不是学校活动,女主是学生,所以不是为了培养woman teachers。原句“increase the number of woman in…STEM”因此选择helps girls learn STEM
12.A 解析:文中提到女主参加是因为这个项目以实践为主,引起了她的兴趣,并非为了培养英语能力,该项目与英语没关系,也不是为了完成学业,该项目是课后项目,也不是为了取悦她姐姐,她姐姐只是鼓励她参加,因此选择develop her interest,培养兴趣
13.C 解析:文中提到她认为女主的能力很强,她有很强的自信,面对挫折都不会放弃,原句“She is very confident……”,因此选择confidence
14.B 解析:结合上下文,女主很自信,面对困难也不会屈服,选择setbacks-difficulties15.B 解析:文章提到女主未来可能会从事相关 STEM 的工作,但不是被局限,未来无论做什么,这个影响都会很深远,因此选择benefitherinthe future
16.E 解析:第一段主要讲的是有了职业计划你将知道自己未来会向哪前进,因此选择 Theimportance of having a career plan.
17.A 解析:第二段主要讲的是第一步是要确定自己的目标,因此选择 The first step tomake a career plan
18.D 解析:第三段主要讲的是要寻求成功人士的建议,他的建议可能会很有用,因此选择The necessity to get some advise.
19.F 解析:第四段主要讲的是为了实现职业计划,你需要努力提升自己的能力,确认自己已经拥有什么能力,还需要什么能力来弥补,因此选择The abilities to fulfillacareer plan.
20.C 解析:第五段主要讲的是当你看到渴望的工作要勇于尝试,就算失败了也可以获取经验,因此选择The right time to apply for desired job
21.F 解析:第一段主要讲的是有了职业计划你将知道自己未来会向哪前进,因此选择会提供清楚的未来规划A career plan can give you a clear future direction。22.A 解析:第二段主要讲的是第一步是要确定自己的目标,但不要只根据工资水平的高低,还要看自己喜欢什么,因此选择 When you choose ajob,you should not focus on the salary alone
23.D解析:第三段主要讲的是要寻求成功人士的建议,他的建议可能会很有用,因此选择To gain career guidance, you should try to find an adviser.
24.C 解析:第四段主要讲的是为了实现职业计划,你需要努力提升自己的能力,确认自己已经拥有什么能力,还需要什么能力来弥补,做好充足准备,因此选择To fulfillacareerplan,you should get well prepared。
25.E 解析:第五段主要讲的是当你看到渴望的工作要勇于尝试,就算失败了也可以获取经验,因此选择A job interview can offer some useful knowledge
26.F 解析:根据前文开心快乐对每个人来说都有区别,因此选择你开心的事物可能别人不开心,What makes one person happy may not bring hope to another.27.A 解析: 根据上下文,开心是你自己给自己提供的,没人可以给你,因此选择 No one else can give it to you.
28.D解析:根据下文,你要知道什么样你是开心的,当你知道你怎么样会开心时,你就会感知到开心,因此选择You should understand what happiness means to you
29.B 解析:根据上下文,你得到自己对于问题的答案之后要进行检验,根据后文 you shouldalso 也可以推断出应选择You should examine them honestly.
30.E 解析:根据上下文,开心快乐在很多地方,家庭里,狗狗里,重要的是你要去发现他,因此选择Actually, it can be found in anything and any situation.
Some people think they need to change how they look or act to feel good aboutthemselves.But actually all you need to(F.do,你需要做的是)is change the way yousee your body and how you think about yourself. The first thing to do is (l.recognize,明白你的身体是你自己的)that your body is your own,no matter what shape,size,orcolor it comes in.If you're very worried about your weight of size,(A. check,和你的医生确定是否都正常)with your doctor to verify that things are OK. But it's no one'sbusiness but your own what your body is like.Ultimately,you have to be happy withyourself.
(E.Next,上文是先做什么,下文是接下来做什么),identify which aspects of yourappearance you can(L.realistically,现实地可以改变)change and which youcan't.Everyone (even the most perfect-seeming(表面上) ) has things about themselves that they can't change and need to accept,like their height,for example,or theirshoe size.If there are(B.things,如果真的有你想要改变的事)about yourself that youwant to change and can (such as how fit you are),do this by making (D.goals,通过制定目标)for yourself.For example,if you want to get fit,(G.just,如果你想健康,就吃得健康每天锻炼)make aplan to exercise every day and eat(H.healthy,如果你想健康,就吃得健康每天锻炼)foods.Then keep track of your(K.progress,keep track of记录你的进度直到达到目标)until you reach your goal.Meeting a challenge you set foryourself is a great way to boost self-esteem!
Does Watching Ty Relieve Stress?
After a tough day,you may possibly (possible) turn on the Tv.Getting lost【西定用法get lost in 迷失在】(lose)in your favorite show seems like an effective形容词,有效的】(effect)way to relax. But it may make things worse.It is generally【副词,通常】(general)believed that watching TV can enable【动词,能够使】(able)people to relax. It provides a temporary escape from stresses. However, the same can'be said【被动形式】(say)for those who are busy and tired【形容词,指人疲惫】(tire). Those people can feel guilty about spending【介词后面用 ing 形式】(spend) somuch time in front of the Tv,They tend to see it as a form of procrastination(拖延).In other words【固定用法 In other words 换言之】(word), they are avoiding otherimportant things out of laziness【名词,懒惰】(lazy).They feel they are giving into TV.That feeling keeps【动词单数】(keep)them from relaxing.
51.莱英文报社正举办题为“0nline Shopping”的征文活动,请你根据下述要点提交一篇英文短文应征。内容包括:1、你所了解的网上购物情况2、你对网上购物的看法

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